The Polish-American Society suspended its activities in 2002 due to the advanced age of its members. In 2008 the Organization was reactivated thanks to the new generation of Polish immigrants and their desire to cultivate the Polish National Heritage. The Society became formally a non-profit institution in the State of Tennessee, having its By-Laws and Mission Statement. The PAS Members held their first Board elections in 2008. From then on, the Society had new Board elections every second year.

In the PAS Website Gallery, we are showing photos taken chronologically at various events organized by the renewed PAS organization and in which the Society and the Polish community in Memphis have been taking active part.

In 2018, the Polish-American Society celebrated the 40th Anniversary of its foundation. Here you can find a slide show illustrating the history of the Society from the time of its inception until 2018.

Events and Activities

The Polish Wigilia (Christmas Eve Dinner) is our main annual event. Photos of the Wigilia parties are shown in the Galleries of 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2019. Each year we have traditional Polish dishes, the Jasełka show (a story of the birth of baby Jesus) is performed by the students of the Polish School, Polish and American carols and Christmas songs are played by the PAS Musical Group and sung along by all who come to celebrate the Christmas Eve.

November 11th is an important date in Polish history marking the anniversary of Poland’s Independence Day of 1918.  Each year (except the Covid pandemic) the Society organizes potluck parties with a campfire, “grochówka” (soldiers’ pea soup), and “grzaniec” (hot wine with spices).  Some photos from these gatherings are shown in the 2011 and 2014 Gallery sections.

Spring and Fall Picnics became very popular social events organized by the Society each year (had to be skipped during the Covid pandemic) and are attended in large numbers both by the Members of the Polish American Society and others, sympathizing with the Polish community in Memphis.  We are showing photos from some of these events in the 2011 and 2018 Galleries.

Fall Campouts for Kids (and adults) was an idea of Gosia and Zbyszek Stroinski and it became a popular annual event featuring many attractions such as sports activities, hiking, and evenings at a campfire with music and food.  There are some campout photo memories illustrated in the 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 Galleries.

Easter Egg Painting, fun events for kids and adults are featured in the 2011 Gallery.
Our goal is to keep the old Polish tradition and popularize it among the young generation of Polish Americans.

Hikes at Shelby Forest State Park became the regular, annual events in spring and fall for those who love nature and hiking. The 2011 and 2013 Galleries are showing pics from these hikes.

Dance Parties such as Mardi Grass, New Year’s Eve Parties, and other socials (see photos in the 2011 and 2014 Gallery sections) have been great events for fun and celebration.

Numerous attractions organized by the Society for its Members and others, sympathizing with the Polish American community in Memphis, included for instance the Mississippi River Cruise (2011), a visit to Sun Studio (2012), to the Cotton Museum (2014), to the Wiseacre Brewery (2016).

The PAS organized a series of public Seminars by Polish Professors.  Prof. Anna Kaminska of the University of Memphis talked about famous Polish mathematicians, Prof. Jordan Zjawiony of the University of Mississippi presented his research on various exotic medicinal plants (see photos in the 2011 and 2012 Galleries), and Prof. Mark Scarbecz of the University of Tennessee shared interesting information and presented slides about Poland’s geography and important historical places.

There is a unique set of pics showing the “Enchanted Forest” annual exhibit at the Pink Palace Museum displaying the Polish Christmas Tree. Having a Polish Christmas Tree there was a wonderful idea originated by Basia and Mark Scarbecz. In 2012, they decided to graciously donate a beautifully decorated tree to the Pink Palace exhibit, and for several years these Christmas Trees represented the Polish American Society’s contribution to the “Enchanted Forest” event.  For a few following years, Basia and Mark continued decorating Polish Christmas Trees for the Pink Palace exhibition (see photos in the 2012 Gallery)

For a period of time, the PAS sponsored the Athletic Group organized by Czarek Lemanski and later managed by Zbyszek Mustiwillo (Gallery of 2011).   Ania and Mirek Wozniak founded a Bridge Club, now led by Grażyna and Zbyszek Mustwillo as an independent club (some photos are in the 2011 Gallery). There are also two newer clubs worth mentioning which were organized especially for kids.  These are “Kino Smyka” and “Biblioteka Smyka”, established in recent years by Magda Dutkiewicz Vaughan and Victor Vaughan.

Another group founded in the early 2000s is the Musical Group.  In 2008 it joined the PAS organization.  The group has been led by Jacek Dutkiewicz and included the following singers and instrumentalists: Gosia Stroinski, Halinka Dutkiewicz, Ania Kaziow, Kazia Szymanek, Miłka, and Rob Mitchell.  Also, guest artists would sometimes join in and play together with the Musical Group. They were Rebecca and Marcin Arendt, Heather Trussell, Janusz Komor, and Inessa.  The PAS musicians have performed on various occasions such as Polish Wigilias, International Germantown Festivals, and October Fest parties organized a few times together with the German Club. In 2010, the Musical Group played a special concert for the Seniors at the Villas of West Memphis, AR (see the photos in the 2010 Gallery).

Polish “Wigilia” in 2013

Poland’s Independence Day Celebration in 2011

Fall Campout in 2015

Mardi Grass in 2014

Mississippi River Cruise in 2011

Concert for the Seniors at the Villas of West Memphis, AR in 2010

Visits of Polish Diplomats and Officials

In 2010, the Society initiated contacts with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland and organized visits of Polish diplomats to perform their consular duties in Memphis.  This initiative was aimed at helping those in need to deal with their passport and citizenship related matters and thus save them long and costly trips to Polish Consulates in Washinton DC or Chicago.  The visiting diplomats and officials were also our special guests at various important events.

The first two consular visits took place in 2010 and 2011. In 2011, Vice-Consul Michał Sikorski represented Polish diplomacy at the Germantown International Festival.  His visit had also another reason.  It was an opportunity to donate to a museum in Poland, valuable artifacts and memorabilia owned by Helena and Ignacy Paderewski, famous Polish pianist and diplomat (Galleries 2010 and “Paderewski“).  These historical items were offered by the Dutkiewicz family who received them from their American friends. For some time, the memorabilia were displayed for the visitors at the Polish Embassy and then shipped via diplomatic mail to Poland.  Now they are part of the exhibition in the Paderewski Center in Kąśna-Dolna (https://www.centrumpaderewskiego.pl/).

In 2013, the Society hosted Consul Piotr Konowrocki. It was another opportunity to have a representation of Polish diplomacy in the Germantown International Festival.

We had two more consular visits: of Vice-Consul Ewa Pietrasieńska in 2015 and of Consul Aleksandra Krystek in 2019. Consul Krystek was also hosted by the School of Polish Culture and Language.  She was very impressed by the school students’ performance and with their artistic show specially prepared for that occasion.

In 2015, we invited Ambassador Ryszard Schnepf to be our guest of honor in the most important annual cultural event in Memphis which is Memphis in May International Festival. That year, the City of Memphis celebrated Poland as the Country of Honor.  There are some photos and more information about this special 2015 edition of the Festival in the 2015 Gallery section and in the slide presentation “Memphis in May International Festival – Salute to Poland”.

Ambassador Schnepf visited Memphis three more times. In 2018, he was our special guest invited to celebrate, together with the Society’s Members, the PAS’s 40th Anniversary.  We had a special party at the Rhodes College (see page 21) with various attractions such as an ice sculpture of the Polish Eagle carved by Chef Edward Nowakowski and a buffet with food and drinks served by the Chef.  After that, Dr. Schnepf delivered a lecture about the history of Polish-American diplomatic relations. In this event, we hosted many other special guests: the College faculty and students, officials representing the Memphis in Poland International Festival, the Rotary International, local companies, artists and other guests.

In 2019, Ambassador Schnepf was the only international diplomat who spoke at the main ceremony of the MLK50 marking the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination.  Later that year, the Polish American Society, the Memphis in Poland Festival and the Memphis in May International Festival organizations hosted Ambassador Schnepf, his wife Dorota Wysocka-Schnepf representing “Gazeta Wyborcza”, the most popular Polish newspaper, as well as Jacek Karnowski, Mayor of the City of Sopot, accompanied by the Sopot City Hall staff, Katarzyna Choczaj and Aleksandra Gosk, to take part in the celebration of the Bicentennial of Memphis.

Vice-Consul Michał Sikorski
visited in 2010

Vice-Consul Michał Sikorski
visited in 2011

Consul Piotr Konowrocki
visited in 2013

Ambassador Ryszard Schnepf
visited in 2015

Visits of well-known Polish Artists

Each year, the Blues Foundation in Memphis organizes the International Blues Challenge. This musical competition was an opportunity to meet Polish blues musicians and have concerts organized specially for the Polish community. In 2011, we hosted Kajetan Drozd and Piotr Rożankowski (2011 Gallery).

Then, in 2013, our guests were the well-known Polish band “Nocna Zmiana Bluesa” with Sławek Wierzcholski, harmonica virtuoso, and singer (2013 Gallery).

In the beginning of 2014, we had an opportunity to meet and listen to another well-known Polish blues band “The Boogie Boys” led by Bartek Szopiński. The Boogie Boys were happy to play a special concert for the Polish community as well (2014 Gallery).

In 2013, we a fine cultural treat which was a classic music recital played by a world-renowned Polish violinist Kinga Augustyn. She was accompanied by a harpsichordist, Alexandra Snyder. Especially for the Polish community, they beautifully played especially famous Baroque classics (2013 Gallery). Later, Kinga Augustyn was invited by the Society again in 2015 to perform at the Memphis in Poland International Festival honoring Poland (see “Chronicle of the 2015 ed. of MMIF”).

“Nocna Zmiana Bluesa” with Sławek Wierzcholski

“The Boogie Boys” led by Bartek Szopiński

Nicolaus Copernicus School of Polish Culture and Language

The Polish School, a non-profit institution, was founded in 2006 by Halina Dutkiewicz for children, teenagers, and adults who wanted to learn and perfect the Polish language as well as gain knowledge about Poland’s traditions, culture and history.  Over the years, at different times, until the COVID-19 pandemic time, a large number of enthusiastic teachers, assistants, and administrators donated their talent and time to the school, not receiving any compensation. They were, in alphabetical order, Rebecca Arendt, Marcin Arendt, Aneta Chamber, Halinka Dutkiewicz, Magda Dutkiewicz (now Vaughan), Jacek Dutkiewicz, Ala Denkiewicz, Julia Denkiewicz, Jola Dowdy, Sylwia Fiebelman, Iwona Gaye-Wojcikiewicz, Anna Gorska, Magda Kaminska, Agata Kaminska-Gavetti, Iwona Kessling (now Rhodes), Edward Kozlowski, Viola Kozlowski, Monika Lux, Miłka Mitchell, Magda Mazur, Monika Milczek, Aga Przetak (now Santisteban), Basia Skarbecz, Elżbieta Skorupska, Gosia Stroinski, Zbyszek Stroinski, Grażyna Szlachetka, Magda Szymanek, Magda Teodorowicz, Agata Walas-Maendehoudt, Danuta Zabielski, Elizabeth Zabielski.

The school was incorporated into the PAS organization at the beginning of 2008 and became a significant cultural and educational pillar of the Society.  The students met on Saturday mornings at Bert Ferguson Community Center.  The academic years used to begin in September and end in May.

The school’s regular curriculum was aimed at strengthening the national identity of the students, teaching them the Polish language, Poland’s national heritage, Polish history, culture, and traditions. Each year, at the Polish Christmas Eve Dinner events, the students performed in the “Jasełka” show, featuring a story of the birth of Jesus Christ.

The School of Polish Culture and Language regular curriculum was enriched with a variety of extracurricular activities and special events. At the end of each school year the students would prepare an artistic show honoring Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and observing the Anniversaries of the Constitution of May 3rd (2011, 2012, and 2013 Galleries). Before the beginning of each new academic year, the Polish School organized “Farewell to Summer” events and field trips, both for fun and learning (2011 and 2016 Galleries). During the Christmas season, besides the “Jasełka” shows performed by the school students at the PAS Christmas Eve Dinner, the School used to organize Christmas Parties for Kids with tasty treats, presents, stories, and quizzes about Christmas and artistic programs (2011 Gallery).

In the 2013 section of the Gallery is shown the art of the Polish School students.  These beautiful pictures were created during art lessons taught by Iwona Kessling (now Rhodes).

On several occasions, Polish kids took part in the “International Story Telling” series at the Cordova Public Library. Magda Mazur came up with an idea of engaging the students in theatrical shows telling stories based on Polish legends and tales. Magda did a great job preparing the children for the Story Telling performances and Magda’s husband, William Glover, would create stage props and scenography.  The performance was very well received by the young international audience and their parents (2014 and 2018 Galleries).

The School of Polish Culture and Language was funded by the students’ parents.  It was also supported financially by the Polish Embassy which highly valued its contributions to teaching Polish language, history, national heritage and popularizing Polish traditions.

After the Covid pandemic, a new school, as an independent private entity, was established by Magda Teodorowicz.

End of the school year 2010/2011 at Polish School

“Jasełka” in 2012

Christian Zabielski – Wawelski Dragon, 2013

“International Story Telling” at Cordova Library in 2014

“Farewell to Summer” – Safari, Alamo, TN in 2016

Germantown International Festival

The Germantown International Festival (www.gfest.org) is an important multicultural, annual event of the Memphis Metro area. It is organized by the Rotary Club of Germantown.  Every year representatives of numerous countries and ethnic communities have their booths and present their traditions, costumes and artistic programs at this popular international event.  The number of visitors of the Germantown International Festival varies from 5 to 10 thousand people each year.

Since the inception of the GIF in 2009, each year (except for the Covid pandemic times) the Polish-American Society have presented cultural and educational programs, had their booth decorated with Polish artifacts, crafts, exhibits, posters and other attractions, had culinary showcases serving popular grilled Polish kielbasa and other Polish traditional dishes (2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 Galleries).  Many times, the PAS Musical Group and the PAS Dance Ensemble performed for the festival audiences.

On April 10, 2010, PAS took part in the second GIF edition of the festival.  Unfortunately, that very date happened to become a very sad day for all Poles living in Poland and abroad.  On April 10, 2010, a Polish Air Force plane crashed near the Russian city of Smolensk, killing all 96 people on board.  Among the victims were the president of PolandLech Kaczyński, the former president of Poland in exileRyszard Kaczorowski and many other high-rank Polish officials.  The flight’s purpose was taking them all to ceremonies marking the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre, a mass murder of Polish intellectuals, politicians, and military officers by the Soviets during World War II.  After hearing this horrific news, the program of the Germantown International Festival on April 10, 2010, was immediately adjusted to take account of the tragic event.  The PAS Musical Group changed their artistic program and performed a few songs, appropriate for the occasion and the festival participants honored the victims of the plane crash at the Smolensk Airport with a moment of silence.

The Society invited Polish diplomats: Vice-Consul Michał Sikorski in 2011 (2011 Gallery) and Consul Piotr Konowrocki in 2013 (2013 Gallery), who came to support us and officially represent the Polish diplomacy in the U.S., during the GIF events.

The Germantown International Festival in 2016

The Germantown International Festival in 2013

The Germantown International Festival in 2011

Memphis in May International Festival “Salute to Poland”

The most important event in 2015 for the Polish community in Memphis was the Memphis in May International Festival “Salute to Poland”.  A large group of the Polish community in Memphis formed the Honored Nationals Committee which worked closely with the Leadership of the MMIF to ensure that that edition of the festival was a success.  And indeed, it was a huge success!  Readers of the USA Today voted this festival to be the best cultural event in the South of the U.S.A. in 2015!

Here you can find a slide show illustrating the festival program and active participation of the Polish Memphians in many various events celebrating Poland as a Country of Honor.

The Members of the Honored National Committee were (in alphabetical order):  Viola, Ryszard and Maciek Bute, Stephanie and Andy Deupree, Halina and Jacek Dutkiewicz, Joanna and Janusz Hofman, Sylvia and Seth Fiebelman,  Iwona Gaye-Wojcikiewicz, Jadwiga and Czesław Grabowicz, Alex Jankowski, Magda Kaminska, Anna and Witold Kaziow, Iwona Kessling, Viola and Edward Kozlowski, Małgorzata I Czarek Lemanski, Agata Walas-Maenhoudt, Doug Maenhoudt, Krystyna Milczek, Monika Milczek, Jerzy Milczek, Ludmiła Mitchell, Susan Murrmann, Grażyna and Zbyszek Muswillo, Stenia Niewiara, Edward Nowakowski, Agnieszka Przetak and Roberto Santisteban, Jolanta and Haysan Sakaan, Basia and Mark Scarbecz, Zofia Schmidt, Joanna and Konrad Stepniakowski, Kazia Szymanek, Gosia and Zbyszek Stroinski, Anna and Mirek Wozniak, Magda Teodorowicz and Dana and Wiesiek Zabielski.

Memphis in Poland Festival

The idea of the MIPF (www.memphisinpolandfestival.com) project was born during the Memphis in May International Festival “Salute to Poland” in 2015. The concept came from Ambassador Ryszard Schnepf and we started working on its realization together with the Embassy of Poland, the City of Sopot, the Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau (now Memphis Tourism), the National Civil Rights Museum, and many other sponsors in the U.S. and Poland.  For a few years the MIPF organization was operating under the auspices of the Polish-American Society, then in 2019 it became an independent, non-profit organization.  So far, there have been two main musical and educational festival editions that took place in Poland: in 2017 in Sopot, Gdańsk, and Warsaw, and in 2019 in Sopot, Warsaw, and Bielsko-Biała.  In 2021/22 the MIPF organized a competition for the Tri-Cities high-school students entitled “Fighting the Unknown”. The winners came to Memphis to visit the city and present their artwork at local Memphis Metro high schools and other Memphian organizations.  More information is in the MIPF folder and at the MIPF website.