2025 MEMBERSHIP DUES: First Name *Last Name *Phone Number *Email Address *Address *CityStateZIP/Postal CodeDateCheck #AmountUSDINCLUDES TAX DEDUCTABLE ADDITIONAL DONATIONGENERALSCHOLARSHIPFUND FOR POLISH COMMUNITY CHARITYAmountUSD2024 Dues are $25 per Singles & $50 per Couples (including children up to 18 years). Check or money order payable and mail to: Polish - American Society P.O. Box 770927, Memphis, TN 38177-0927Submit Pay Electronically HereWAIVER (FOR FAMILIES ONLY ONE SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED)IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THE EVENTS ORGANIZED BY PAS ALL MUST SIGN BELOW I am participating in the Polish - American activities entirely at my own risk and do not hold the organization responsible for any related risks, physical or mental, both known and unknown to me occurred at the time or following, as result to me, my family or my non - PAS member friends' participation. First Name *Last Name *Signature *Start signing your signature hereYour browser does not support e-Signature field.Date *Agreement *I AGREE TO INCLUDE MY PICTURES FROM PAS EVENTS ON WEBSITE & SOCIAL MEDIA RELATED TO PAS.Submit